It’s not uncommon to choose to have oral surgery performed during the holidays, which is when many people take time off work or school anyway. However, you may be worried whether you’ll be able to truly enjoy the holidays while your mouth is healing from the procedure. Fortunately, the 4 tips below can go a long way toward helping you have a smooth recovery while getting the most out of the season.
1. Make Sure That You Get Plenty of Rest
One of the most important things you can do after oral surgery is give yourself plenty of time to rest. Too much strenuous activity can increase the flow of blood and potentially worsen oral swelling. Thus, it’s highly recommended that you spend at least a couple of days relaxing after your procedure.
2. Stock Up On Soft Foods That You Enjoy
After your oral surgery, you will need to stay away from hard or crunchy foods. Fortunately, there are plenty of soft and liquid foods that you can enjoy while you’re waiting for your mouth to heal. Mashed potatoes, stuffing, baked yams, scrambled eggs, yogurt, and applesauce can all be great options. Soup is often a good choice as well, but make sure that it isn’t too hot.
3. Plan Your Trips Carefully
Will you be visiting your relatives during the holiday season? If so, you’ll need to plan your trip carefully around your oral surgery. It’s typically okay to travel by car or train after just a couple of days of rest. However, if you need to get on an airplane, it may be best to give yourself a few extra days to recover. Talk to your oral surgeon to see what they recommend so that you can adjust your travel plans accordingly.
4. Find Activities You Can Enjoy While Your Mouth Is Healing
If you don’t want to miss out on the holiday fun, the best thing you can do is figure out some activities you can enjoy with your family while you’re waiting for your mouth to recover. Try offering to play some board games and card games. And if any of your loved ones opt for more active games, you can always cheer them on from the sidelines.
It will take time for your mouth to heal after your oral surgery, but as long as you follow the tips above (along with any other instructions your oral surgeon gives you), you should be able to avoid any major issues while enjoying the holiday season.
About the Author
Dr. Steve Yusupov has been trained in extensive facial trauma reconstruction, surgical management of dentofacial deformities, dentoalveolar surgery, and benign maxillofacial pathology. He’s proud to be able to offer dental implant placement, wisdom tooth extractions, and other oral surgery procedures. If you’re interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Yusupov at Gold Coast Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Roslyn, visit his website or call (516) 744-6262.